The Thelemic calendar comes from the religion (?!) founded in 1904 by the english poet and mystic Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947), this is an explanation for the following strangenesses.
The thelemites count years from 1904. The year starts on the 20th of march (gregorian date) this is approximately at the equinox.
The count of the years is done at two levels. The high level gives the number of 22 years cycles passed from the beginning of the calendar, le low level gives the number of years passed from the beginning of the current period of 22 years. Both counts begin at zero and are written in roman figures, in upper case for the high level and, of course, in lower case for the low level. Thus, for example, the gregorian year 2001 is (after the 20th of march which starts the thelemic year) the Thelemic year IVix, because 2001 = 1904 + (4 * 22) + 9.
Some thelemites assign the name of the 22 tarot cards to the 22 years of a cycle. They assign the same names to cycles themselves as well.
The date is given by the year and the position of the sun and of the moon in the tropical zodiac. For example, the 12th of may 1996 at 6 o'clock will be written 'year IViv, Sun 22° Taurus, Moon 29° Pisces'.
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